Gain permanent and continual control of your water and sewer systems
Valve Insertions
Valve insertions are a common practice for installing a gate valve in your system, under pressure, and without shut down. For areas of the system where shut down isn't possible or would impact a large number of customers, valve insertions are a great solution.
Holliday Utility Services provides valve insertions from two of the industry's leading watermain control manufacturers: AVT (EZ VALVER) and Mueller Company (PermaSealTM). We provide all the necessary materials for the job, including the valve, and arrive at the job site with all necessary tools, equipment, and personnel to safely complete the job. We have successfully performed valve insertions for a variety of different pipe types including PVC, DIP, AC/Transite, C900/C909, and Steel. We have the ability to provide small diameter valve inserts as well as large diameters up to 24." Learn more about these valves below and contact us for a quote on your job.

The PermaSeal™ Insertion Valve is the first inserting valve solution that is a true Resilient Wedge Gate Valve capable of delivering reliability, longevity, functionality, and repeatable water shut-off throughout the valve’s lifetime. The innovative design allows for insertion into existing water mains with minimal service disruption and dependable functional service life, making it an ideal solution for any water network.
Permanent, exercisable gate valve that functions and performs the same as a conventional Resilient Wedge Gate Valve with “Clean Seat” technology
350/ 250* psi rating and available in 4˝, 6˝, 8˝, 10˝, and 12˝ standard (DI, CI, PVC pipe) and oversized (A-C pipe) variants
Compliant with all AWWA C-515 and C-223 standards including pertinent structural, functional, operating, and dimensionally important installation criteria
Reduce the need for a shutdown, disruption to flow, or water contamination concerns resulting in time, cost, maintenance, and customer downtime savings
Minimize environmental disruption through less excavation and reduced use of pipe and secondary materials
*250psi for H819 on AC pipe

AVT EZ Valve®
The AVT EZ Valve 4" to 24" is an inline insertion valve that can be installed on water lines and depending on the pipe material, installation takes anywhere from 45 minutes for our smaller valves to 3 hours for our larger range. The valve uses an integral isolation gate, which when operated after the slot has been milled into the pipe, allows the
cutting machine to be removed and the resilient wedge
installed.This process means the valve can be installed on
a live line while the water is flowing.
Low profile design
Ductile iron castings with integrated isolation valve
Patented gaskets that conform to irregular pipe geometries
and sizes -
Installs at any angle, ideal for crowded trenches and
tough locations -
Valve bonnet can be removed after a repair or remain
n place as a permanent functioning valve -
Approved epoxy resin coated
Stainless steel fasteners for secure positioning
Working pressure of 250 PSI, (17 Bar) – Tested Pressure to 375 PSI (26 Bar)
EZ Valve Components are WRAS Certified, meet AWWA C-509-01/C515-15 standards and UL Classified to NSF/ANSI Standard 61, Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects